Online Registration School: JAMIA FATIMA niswa Personal Detail * Student Name: * Gender: Male Female Other Date of Birth: Religion: Caste: Blood Group: Select Blood Group O+ A+ B+ AB+ O- A- B- AB- Address: Phone: Email: City: State: Country: Admission Detail * Class: Select Class 1st (دینیات اول) 2nd (دینیات دوم) 3rd (دینیات سوم) 4th (اعدادیہ) 5th (اولیٰ) 6th (ثانیہ) 7th (ثالثہ) 8th (ثالثہ) 9th (رابعہ) 10th (خامسہ) 11th (فضیلت) 12th (فضیلت) UKG (دینیات اول) * Section: Select Section Upload Photo: Parent Detail Father's Name: Father's Phone: Mother's Name: Mother's Phone: Upload Parent ID Proof: Login Detail * Username: * Login Email: * Password: Parent / Guardian Login Detail Allow Parent Login? * Username: * Login Email: * Password: Transport Detail Transport Route and Vehicle: Select Submit